Big Sticky was invited to a "Dress Like a Cowboy and Ride a Horse" Birthday Party. We didn't have any "cowboy" gear, so I Facebook'd and emailed several neighbor's that had boys.
This is what we came up with.
Don't he and the birthday girl look so darn hootin' tootin' cute in their cowboy gear! Aren't they just adorable?
And here he is with his "other" girl. :-)
Can you kind of tell he was tired of all the picture takin'? I mean really, he just wanted to get on and ride!
And here he is on his Buckin' Bronco, Whiskey.
"They" (the clueless people at the horse farm) actually asked me to "lead" the horse. Seriously? You want me to lead? All I could think of was "What if I do something wrong and the horse goes from trot to gallop in less than 60 seconds taking my baby through the woods and off to the next county all the while dragging me behind still holding on to the lead?"
While Big looks a little brave here, I don't think he's quite ready for a bull ride. Whiskey was quite the tame horse. Although I did have a little trouble keeping him (the horse) away from the grass. Apparently grass is like candy to a horse. I had no idea.
I also had no idea that when a horse eats a lot of grass, it makes him poop.
And if you are ever by chance leading a horse and he stops, it might just mean he has to poop. And if he does, you might want to stand back a bit.
At first I thought "Why our horse?" Then I quickly realized, better our horse than the horse in front of us.
And if you are ever leading a horse that is following another horse and the horse he is following stops to "relieve" themself, you might just want to watch your step...
And don't he look just so grown up in this one?
And while I've got you looking at this last photo, don't you think the people that make horse ridin' helmets should make one that looks like a cowboy hat? I mean he kind of looks like a kid that got dressed up in cowboy gear only to change his mind at the last minute and go skateboarding instead. Still cute and all, but I'm just saying...
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