And the nominees are...
Best Director
:: Big Sticky in his role as Big Brother (aka The Boss)
:: Little Sticky in his role as the Middle Child (aka No, I'M The Boss)
:: Princess in her role as the Baby (aka The Real Boss)
Best Supporting Cast
:: Four Lambies

:: Lamby and Teddy

:: Bunny

Foreign Film (not the kind with subtitles, more like, something very foreign to reality)
:: Big Sticky for "Boy Who Goes to Bed Early and Can't Imagine A Thing"
:: Little Sticky for "Quiet One That Eats His Veggies"
:: Princess for "Girl That Wears Hairbows and Plays With Dolls"
Costume Design
:: Big Sticky --> Karate Kid Remake

:: Little Sticky --> Urban Cowboy Remake

:: Princess --> Pirates of the Carribean

Best Adaption
:: Little Sticky quoting Buzz Lightyear, "To Infinity and BE GONE."
:: Big Sticky saying the blessing at dinner, "And thank you for our DA-VID (daily bread)"
:: Princess of Sticky with "Hmmm bah wha" (your guess is as good as mine)

Sound Editing
:: Mommy for remembering not to say dirty words when driving in traffic
:: Mommy for realizing that the oldest will ask what I am saying when I try to spell a "code" word aloud.
:: Mommy and Daddy for remembering not to raise our voices when "discussing" important topics.
Picture of the Year

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