Before the school year ended, we went to a Strawberry Farm with the boy's preschool classes. You would think being from the south and growing up surrounded by tobacco and other farms I would have at one time picked my own strawberries. Nope. Never even been to a strawberry farm. But I will probably do it again. We had a great time with only one "incident." We had just ventured into the field when Big Sticky announces that he needs to potty. I see a tree close by when someone points out the port-o-potty (about three football fields away). Port-o-potty, really? Yuck. I would rather hangs his pants to dry on the car ride home. However, wanting to set a good example, we take off "running" for the potty. About 100 feet away, my son starts yelling "The pee-pee's coming out!" Fortunately, we were at our van, so after doing a quick look around to make sure there were no preschool girls in eye shot, Big Sticky fertilized the dust by the car.
Little Sticky had a great time as well, and actually picked a few strawberries along with bruising several as he slammed them into the bucket.
The strawberries were awesome and Big Sticky and I ate all but five strawberries before daddy came home from work. Little Sticky ate a part of one before exclaiming "Ooh, those too yucky!" He doesn't know what he was missing!!
So I should be in bed by now, but I have so enjoyed looking through your new blog! I am amazed what all your boys get into... is that what I have to look forward to?? ; )